Volume 1, Number 4, Year 2012

Original Articles
Karen Choong, Nga Tran, Heather Clark, Cynthia Cupido, and Daniel J. Corsi
Acute rehabilitation in critically ill children

Martí Pons-Ódena, Alexandre Escribá de la Fuente, Francisco José Cambra Lasaosa, Susana Segura Matute, Antonio Palomeque Rico, and Vicent Modesto
Non-invasive ventilation in bronchiolitis: Analysis according to a chronologic classification

Gustavo Caprotta, Martin Tiszler, Ximena Chávez, and Judith Frydman
Tracheostomy in pediatric critically ill patients

Russell G. Witt, Gary W. Raff, Jeff Van Gundy, and Ming-Sing Si
Extracorporeal life support for nonimmune hydrops fetalis

Srinivasarao Badugu, Melissa Elder, and Tara Smith
Macrophage activation syndrome, an important differential diagnosis for septic shock

Srinivasarao Badugu, Jeffrey Bennett, and Nicholas Slamon
Projectile embolization to the left femoral artery with stroke following gunshot wound to the chest

Kim A. Tran, Douglas D. Fraser, Krista Hawrylyshyn, and Kambiz Norozi
Cardiac failure following inadvertent administration of high-dose epinephrine subcutaneously

Letter to the Editor
Valerie Ramsey
Chemical pneumonitis from aspiration of rash protector spray

Sujoy Khan
Does immunoglobulin therapy have a role in treating Dengue virus infection with induced systemic capillary leak syndrome?