Volume 5, Number 1, Year 2016

Original Articles
Sheikh Sohail Ahmed, Mara Nitu, Shawn Hicks, Lauren Hedlund, James E. Slaven, and Mark R. Rigby
Propofol-Based Procedural Sedation with or without Low-Dose Ketamine in Children

Ravi S. Samraj, Erika Stalets, John Butcher, Theresa Deck, James Frebis, Alma Helpling, and Derek S. Wheeler
The Impact of Catheter-Associated Urinary Tract Infection (CA-UTI) in Critically Ill Children in the Pediatric Intensive Care Unit

Daniel S. Tawfik, Tellen D. Bennett, Brent Welch, and W. Bradley Poss
Use of High-Frequency Ventilation in the Pediatric Intensive Care Unit

Alison H. Miles, Michael C. Spaeder, and David C. Stockwell
Unplanned ICU Transfers from Inpatient Units: Examining the Prevalence and Preventability of Adverse Events Associated with ICU Transfer in Pediatrics

Todd Mortimer, Jeff Burzynski, Murray Kesselman, Jeff Vallance, and Gregory Hansen
Apneic Oxygenation during Rapid Sequence Intubation in Critically Ill Children

Case Reports
J. Brandon Watson, Mark McDonald, and Kenneth Schikler
Central Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation Support for Blastomycosis-Induced Septic Shock

Samantha W. Gee, Shad Outsen, Brian Becknell, and Andrew L. Schwaderer
Baclofen Toxicity Responsive to Hemodialysis in a Pediatric Patient with Acute Kidney Injury

Contributing Reviewers in 2015