Volume 7, Number 4, Year 2012

Original Articles
Mukul Aggarwal, Kailash C. Aggarwal, and Deepthi Nair
Have we made any headway in the diagnosis of neurotuberculosis? Place of real time PCR or real time PCR

Rosana Richtmann, Camila de A. Silva, Tatiane T. Rodrigues, Helenilce P.F. Costa, Sandra R. Baltieri, and Elisa Kusano
Evaluation of a strategy to prevent early neonatal group B streptococcus infection: A prospective cohort study

Anjali Chelliah, Lisa Saiman, and Stéphanie M. Levasseur
Applicability of the modified Duke criteria for the diagnosis of infective endocarditis in children with and without heart disease

Case Reports
Anita Niederer-Loher, Christian Kahlert, Jürg Barben, Vanessa Deggim, and Jean-Pierre Zellweger
Transmission of multidrug-resistant Mycobacterium tuberculosis is reality in Switzerland

James H. Brien, Robert Fader, and Hania Wehbe-Janek
Successful treatment of Macracanthorhynchus ingens infection with Mebendazole

Jeremias L. Murillo, Wan-Man Lee, Suhail Al Sheikh, Vasuda Tulsyan, and Morris Cohen
Amphotericin B bladder irrigation for the treatment of neonatal bladder fungus ball

Daniel J. Adams, Nicole M. Thomas, and Matthew D. Eberly
West Nile Encephalitis in a previously healthy child: Evaluation for CCR5 Chemokine receptor mutation

Narendra C. Singh and Tapas Mondal
An unusual case of mitral valve infective endocarditis

Images in Infectious Diseases
Konstantinos Tsaknakis, Anna-Kathrin Hell, von Esther Richthofen, and Jan Menke
Streptococcal septic oligoarthritis after tonsillitis